Greetings Meridian Families and Students,

I hope you were able to have an enjoyable spring break. My last message on March 29 shared our plans to significantly increase in-person learning for all of our students. Our entire system has been working through the details to make this happen. There are a lot of systems that had to be revamped, positions hired, routines shifted, and schedules rewritten.

My message today is to share our excitement is growing as we finish our preparations. We also want to let you know we will be making adjustments as we put things in place next week. Arrival, dismissal, attestations, new transportation routes and times, and managing meals are all impacted in this shift. We are still required to conduct health checks daily. Since we are receiving all our students at once each day, we are initiating a new process allowing for parents and guardians to attest their child’s health daily by providing a monthly attestation form. Information about this process will be coming soon. It is still extremely important to keep your child home if they are ill or showing symptoms.

Our principals have been communicating how these changes are going to happen at their schools starting Monday. You can expect to receive additional information later this week from them. Many teachers are also sharing details in their Google classrooms. There are still some details being finalized. If there are any questions, please reach out to your child’s school, teacher, or principal. This is a big step and has been a long time coming. We are grateful to navigate the new social distancing rule to allow for more students in school at once. Thank you for your patience and support as we increase our time in school for our students.

Thank you,
