New DOH requirements and Test to Stay

Dear families, students and staff,

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the increased cases of COVID-19 in our community and its impact on us. I know the rising case numbers are causing anxiety among staff, students and families. Some people are wondering why we are keeping schools open despite this.

We are in constant communication with the Whatcom County Health Department. In our conversation with the health department Thursday, they shared schools are still one of the safest places to be. We have controlled environments with layers of mitigation that help keep us safe. Wearing masks, keeping distance and remaining home when you’re ill or experiencing symptoms all helps to keep our community healthier. Finally, we know our students are best served when they are in school.

This afternoon Whatcom County Health Officers Dr. Amy Harley and Dr. Greg Thompson provided a letter sharing context and clarification for the recent changes to isolation and quarantine guidance for K-12 Schools. As we shared before, the updates focused on isolation, quarantine and testing recommendations to align with the recent CDC changes and modifications to Test to Stay. We’ve been working with our health staff to closely review the new guidance and implement it in our schools. This message is longer than normal, but we wanted to make sure you were well-informed of the changes that are going into effect.


According to the Washington State Department of Health requirements, quarantine is when someone who has been exposed to COVID-19 stays home and away from others for the recommended period of time in case they were infected and are contagious.

Quarantine is not required if:

  • Staff or students are 18 or older and have received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people.
  • Students are 5 -17 years and completed the primary doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Staff or student had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days.

For staff or students who are a close contact of someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, we have two options available.

Option 1: Participate in Test to Stay

Students and staff eligible for Test to Stay may attend school, school-related extracurricular activities and school-aged child care during their quarantine period if they participate in testing. Parents/guardians will be called and asked for permission prior to testing. Staff and students will be tested on days 3 and 5 during the school day.

Option 2: Does Not Participate in Test to Stay

Students and staff who choose not to participate in Test to Stay will quarantine for ten days. Quarantine is when someone is asked to stay home due to exposure to someone who is infected, because they could become contagious.

If symptoms appear during the quarantine period, the person should isolate and get tested. Isolation is when someone is asked to stay home because of illness or possible illness, and they are contagious.

Return to school

Staff and students with COVID-19 can return to school when:

  • Five days have passed since symptom onset, OR since positive test specimen collection date if symptoms are present.
  • No symptoms are present, OR symptoms are resolving; AND no fever within the past 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

Staff and students returning after five days should continue to monitor symptoms and must wear a well-fitting mask around others through day ten. The well-fitting mask should be worn both in and out of school. This includes during extra-curricular and sports activities.

How can I get tested?

We are opening a testing site at Meridian Middle School soon.

Students and staff participating in Test to Stay will be tested during the school day. Parents/guardians will be called and asked for permission prior to testing.

Thank you again for your continued patience and understanding as we adjust to these new health requirements. If you have additional questions, please contact your school nurse.

Read this message in Smore.