Welcome to Irene Reither Elementary School!

We want to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. We are thrilled to have you join our school community. We are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for all students. At Irene Reither Elementary, we believe in fostering love for learning and empowering our students to reach their full potential. We look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s educational journey.

Thank you for sharing your children with us! We are so excited to have them here. We hope your afternoons will soon be filled with stories of all the fun things your child learned in school that day.

If your child will be riding the bus and you have not yet been given the route information, you may visit the Transportation webpage.  You may also find this information through Skyward. 

Breakfast and lunch for elementary students will be free this year.  There will be a $.50 charge for purchasing a single milk.  Students may have school lunch or they may bring a lunch from home. Breakfast begins at 8:40 a.m. (9:40 a.m. on Fridays). 

We still need all families who may qualify for free/reduced lunch to complete the application.

School Menus can be found on the Food Services webpage.

We are grateful for the abundance of food and snacks that are provided by families for our students to be shared in classrooms. However, in order to support our students’ health and well-being, we are asking our families to prioritize healthy snack options. 

As stated in board policy and procedure 6700, all food in our schools must meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. Our health services staff has created a list of acceptable safe foods that aligns with both the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards and our strategic plan commitment to wellness

In addition, this helps ensure the food and snacks received are allergy safe. We have a number of students at each of our schools with life threatening food allergies. We appreciate families providing only snacks and foods that are approved on our Safe Foods List. This list can be found on the Health Services webpage. Please note that all food must be checked in at the school office before going to classrooms. 

Our school hours are from 9 a.m.-3:40 p.m. (1:15 p.m. on early dismissal days). Students may be dropped off in the morning starting at 8:50 a.m.  Students eating breakfast may be dropped off at 8:40 a.m. 

Every Friday is late arrival.  School will start one hour late.  Students may be dropped off starting at 9:50 a.m. (9:40 a.m. for breakfast).

If your child will be absent, please enter the absence using the SDM app or call the school office at 360-398-2111.

You will receive our newsletters and other communications from the school through the ParentSquare.  You will be able to choose how and when you receive these notifications, via text, email, etc. Learn more about ParentSquare.

Skyward is the K-12 information system used for attendance, grades, district forms, schedules, and individual plans through Student and Family Access. Each student and parent/guardian have their own unique login. Families can regularly check Skyward for student progress. 

Skyward Family Access Tips






Questions? Please contact your child’s school or visit Skyward Family Toolkit and Videos.

What is GoGuardian?

GoGuardian Parent App is a mobile app to help keep parents/guardians aware of your children’s activity on school-issued devices and provide you with additional controls during out-of-school hours. GoGuardian Parent is a companion to the classroom management and internet filtering tools that your child’s school uses for devices issued to students. Through the use of this app, we hope to encourage more open and honest conversations between parents and children that will result in safer practices and responsible browsing habits.

To access the app, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the app
  2. iPhone: Visit App Store, search for GoGuardian Parent, and tap the download button.  Android: Visit Google Play Store, search for GoGuardian Parent, and tap the download button.
  3. After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it up and enter the email address registered with the school. Note: If you forgot your registered email address, please check your information in Skyward or reach out to your school secretary.
  4. Login/Check Email: Check your email on your phone for a link to log in to the app. Tap the “Verify your email”, and it will take you straight to the app. Note: If you don’t have access to your email through the device you used to log in, tap on “Login with verification code”, and copy and paste the verification code from the email into the app.

Need more help? Visit our GoGuardian webpage.

Grades: 2-12

To make our morning drop off as smooth and fast as possible, please remain in your vehicle as you pull forward to our drop off zone (yellow curb in front of the school). Prepare to “kiss and go.” Have your child exit from the passenger side only. IRE staff will welcome them to school.  If students are in Building A (PK, TK, K, 1, 2) they will enter through the main entrance.  If students are in Building B (3, 4, 5) they will enter through Building B’s main door.  Students in the portables may go straight to their classrooms.  Students eating breakfast may go straight to the cafeteria before going to class.

We use School Dismissal Manager (SDM).  

Download the app on your phone.  Create your username and password and enter your student’s information and default pick up settings.  This will be how you will communicate with the school about your student’s end of the day routine.  You will receive an email regarding set up.  Make sure to check your junk mail. 

  • If you are making permanent changes to your transportation plan such as changing bus routes because of a move, please contact our school office at 360-398-2111 with this information. Then, enter this as your default transportation in SDM. 
  • Logging into SDM App (English)

  • Logging into SDM App (Spanish)

Learn more about School Dismissal Manager.

If you are making an exception for the day to your default transportation (riding another bus route with a friend, getting picked up early, etc.). Please enter these as exceptions into SDM prior to 2:15 p.m. (12:00 p.m. on early dismissal days) on the day of the change.

No need to contact the school office for day-to-day exceptions. With more than 750 students in our building, the cut off time is vital in making dismissal smooth for students and staff.

Upon arrival, use the SDM app and scan the QR code at the parking lot entrance.  If you do not have a phone, a staff member will assist you in signing in.  After you have scanned the code, you will proceed to pick up.  

  • Arriving before 3:30 p.m.:  If you arrive before 3:30 p.m. to pick up your student, please scan the QR code and continue to pull around and park in the gravel lot. This is vital for avoiding gridlock and keeping over 100 cars flowing through our pick up line each day. When a few cars stay parked in front of the school, even for a few minutes, it backs many more cars up behind. 
  • Checkpoints: We have adults at checkpoints along the hallway and outside to make sure children know where they are going and that they are safe.  

Exiting: Once your child is safely in your car, you will slowly exit the pick-up area and the next set of cars will slowly move forward. This system works well and provides a safe and orderly pick-up routine. Please be sure your child’s booster seat is installed on the backseat passenger side of your vehicle for safe entry. 

Early Pick Up:

If your student has an appointment, please pick them up prior to 3 p.m.  This will eliminate any end of the day confusion and ensure your student makes it to their appointment on time. 


Recess will be outside as much as possible. Please send a warm coat for cooler times of the year. If it’s one of our cold northwest days with hard rain and wind, we will stay inside the classrooms or hallways.

Our counselors are available to talk with you about any social-emotional or mental health concerns for your child. Zoom and in-person meetings can be set up with your student and the counselor to talk about things like friendships, anxiety, loss, life changes, etc.

Sabrina Kalil
Supports Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th graders

Emily Holt
Supports 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders


Family Services can help connect you to things like food resources, clothing assistance, school supplies, dental/vision/medical/mental health services, holiday assistance, housing referrals, and homeless student/family support.

Alicia Roberts
Family Resource Coordinator
360-988-1949 (receives texts)

Elvira Trautman
Cultural Liaison (speaks Spanish)
360-306-2886 (receives texts)

Calvary Creekside in Everson, Washington, would like to invite your child to participate in Open Hands this school year.
Open Hands Weekend Food program is meant to help supplement meals for elementary students when school is not in

This year, we would like to extend the invitation to your child. This is a free program, without cost to you.
Every weekend food bag will include 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 2 snacks. These are intended to be easy to prepare
and will be given to your child at the end of the day each Friday, or the last day before a weekend. The food is not
intended to be opened until your child is home.

Parents and guardians concerned with food allergies need to be aware that food bags will contain ingredients such as,
but not limited to: nuts, soy, wheat, eggs, and milk. Open Hands is unable to accommodate food allergies at this
time. Each family is responsible to determine the safety of these food items for their children.

The weekend food bag program will continue throughout the entire school year. To sign your child up to receive
weekend food assistance, please fill out the form below and return it to your school’s office. At this time, we are only
able to offer food to students enrolled at Irene Reither Elementary.

For questions, please contact Alicia Roberts 360-988-1949.

Permission Form

La iglesia Calvary Creekside en Everson, WA, desea invitar a su estudiante a participar en el programa Open Hands este próximo año escolar. Este programa consiste en bolsas con comestibles para los estudiantes para los fines de semana. Este es un programa gratuito, sin costo alguno.

Las bolsas con comida tendrán adentro 2 desayunos, 3 almuerzos y 2 refrigerios. Estos serán fáciles de preparar y se los entregarán a su hijo/a al final de cada viernes o el ultimo día antes de un fin de semana. La comida no debe de abrirse hasta que su hijo/a llegue a casa.

Los padres y tutores preocupados por las alergias alimentarias de sus hijos deben de saber que los alimentos en las bolsas contendrán ingredientes tales como: nueces, soya, trigo, huevos y leche. Es la responsabilidad de cada familia determinar si estos alimentos son seguros para sus hijos. Ya que en este momento no podremos hacer ajustes para aquellas alergias alimentarias.

Este programa de ayuda continuará durante todo el año escolar. Para inscribir a su estudiante, por favor llene el siguiente formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina de la escuela. Por el momento solo podremos ofrecer esta ayuda para los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Irene Reither.

Si tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Alicia Roberts al 360-988-1949 y si desea comunicarse en español llame 360-306-2886.

formulario de permiso


Phone Number:

954 E. Hemmi Road
Everson, WA 98247

Tyler Dockins

Nate Beede
Assistant Principal

Trisha Norman
Assistant Principal

Rhonda Toner
Head Secretary

Shelby Raga

Daisy Valladares
Bilingual Secretary
and Attendance Secretary

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